While doing design of beam using Staad file interface at each level selected beams need to be design as per Staad design envelope. 1) Along X-direction grid design will be one envelope. 2) Along Z-direction grid design will be second envelope. 3) ...
Ability to Design Piles in Staad Foundation Advanced
I would like to import a Staad model to SFA then design a pile cap based on the reactions and then design the piles supporting the pile cap. I see that there is a drilled pier module within plant foundations, but I can't seem to import the loads. ...
We are really appreciate that rebar 6 and 9 mm were added to RCDC recently(update2023). But we would like to request another function that the fy can be assigned to specific rebar number and also differ to each rebar. For example, If we have RB 9m...
REISoftware Technical
over 1 year ago
Needs review
Design of raft foundation in RCDC FE/RAM concept doesn't report about the stability of foundation like against overturning, sliding, max.base pressure etc
Design of foundation with Shear links in staad foundation advance SFS
Design of foundation with shear link is not available in staad foundation advance (SFA). It is very necessary to implement the design of various foundation/s along with shear link design options also. Especially as per Indian standard codes.